Search Process
Developed over the span of 20+ years, PinPoint™ is our proprietary search methodology and process.

PinPoint™ Search Methodology
PinPoint Search™ methodology is a comprehensive candidate identification and selection methodology developed by DEARE. Crafted and improved over a span of more than 20 years, PinPoint Search™ is a proprietary, best-practices based approach to the discovery and acquisition of high performing business talent. Our methodology guides the initial recognition of potential right fit candidates and provides the framework for candidate assessment in a way specific to our clients’ selection criteria, preferences and cultural needs.
The PinPoint Search™ methodology is comprised of:
PinPoint Position Specification™
PinPoint Search Key™
PinPoint Scorecard™
PinPoint Candidate Profile™
PinPoint Referencing™ (We also refer to this as our “CheckPoint” referencing process)
PinPoint Position Specification™
The job description is a starting point in most first level discussions with our clients. Our PinPoint Position Specification™ contains the basic information found on most job descriptions with expanded detail on specific skill requirements, experiences, attributes, values, attitudes, culture fit characteristics, and much more to ensure that all elements related to success in the role are examined. Information included in our PinPoint Position Specification™ (we often refer to as a “Search Brief“) may include:
- Basic introductory information (Title, Company, Reports to, Location, etc.)
- Description and analysis of the company and relevant organization(s) within the company
- Business data as approved for share – revenue, margin, NOI, other
- Key executives, decision makers, stakeholders
- Position Overview
- Relevance of the role to strategic business objectives
- Challenges/opportunities
- Expanded context
- Role history
- Work focus overview – priorities, key results areas
- Other people with direct/indirect influence on business outcomes related to the role
- Assessment of people assets and potential organizational obstacles
- Acclimation perspective
- Expectations, timelines
- How success in the role will be defined in year 1, 2…
- Broader opportunity prospectus
- Expanded company/business perspective – industry, model, competition, marketplace, etc.
- Historical perspective, current state, looking forward
- Growth plan, strategy, goals, etc.
- Interview process information
- More…
PinPoint Search Key™
Providing more than methodology and process framework, our PinPoint Search Key™ is a guide and a quality assurance measure that manages the effort, progress, and outcome of the search process. The Pinpoint Search Key™ guides all aspects of the search strategy, including the specific tactical measures employed to ensure a successful outcome, and identification of prospective candidates matching the Position Specification.
PinPoint Scorecard™
The PinPoint Scorecard™ is a comprehensive evaluation tool designed to select the right candidate or group of candidates. Essentially, the scorecard ensures the highest standard of candidate assessment during the qualifying, screening and interview process. The scorecard includes:
- key questions and methods of verification including fact-check and reference data
- evaluations of competency, capability, and critical company culture fit attributes
- a performance evaluation involving comparison to peers, performance expectations and year to year progress
- a measure of alignment with responsibilities and actual work description
- a measure of alignment with the experience and skill requirements
- a measure of alignment with the attributes, values, attitudes, culture fit characteristics, etc.
PinPoint Candidate Profile™
PinPoint Candidate Profile™ is our uniquely delivered summary and analysis of information gathered in interviews and assessments.
PinPoint Referencing™
PinPoint (also called “CheckPoint”) Referencing™ is our proprietary candidate referencing method. We believe our method to be the most effective means by which to obtain and meaningful candidate references.
Rigorous, labor intensive, and exacting, our PinPoint™ methodology helps ensure that you interview the best possible candidates and hire the right people.

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